“Sexual Health goes far beyond sexual instinct driven by hormones and genital-oriented performance.
It’s high time we realised that sex is more than biological instinct of an individual or an act of performance in copulation with a partner. I prefer to use the term sexuality here. I consider sexuality as a deep intrapersonal expression of who we are as individuals and how we bring it into interplay in a relationship. This in turn depends on how we have been brought up. Esther Perel’s words, “Tell me how you were loved as a child, and I will tell you how you make love as an adult,” make so much sense!
A sexual interaction between two partners involves not just fulfilling their physiological needs, but also helps bring out their true sexual selves, creates a deep connection between partners, and elevates them as existential beings. In other words, sexuality is one space where human physiology, psychology, emotions, relationship, and spirituality – all meet. Contrarily, lack of clarity in any area will affect what might happen between partners impacting their sense of self, leading to sex-related clinical conditions.
Today, digital technology allows individuals and couples – young and old alike – access to sexual health guidance and support from the comfort of their home. In my practice, I have seen thousands of people utilizing online counselling facility to take care of their sexual and relational health. This behaviour seems to be more pronounced in metros compared to non-metro cities.”
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August 5, 2024